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Q: How much does it cost?


A: The membership dues are $25 annually. You may attend two membership meetings before you decide to become a member. Activity groups are for members only. We understand that being an at-home mother often means a tight family budget.  No mom will be denied membership for inability to pay. If you need some assistance with dues, please contact a board member. Your request will be held in strict confidence.


Q: What if I can’t make the monthly meetings?


A:  These monthly meetings are certainly the easiest way for our MOMS to connect, catch-up on what’s going on with the club, and share ideas. However, they are certainly not required. We suggest that you post the MOMS® Club calendar where you can see it so you can enjoy those activities that work for you and your schedule. Also, keep an eye open for e-mails about the club. And of course, your newsletter will fill you in on the club’s activities.


Q:  Do I have to attend a minimum number of events per month to be a member?


No. You may be as active or as inactive as you want in all that our club offers.  We know how family schedules can get crazy. The MOMS Club is here to provide you with support, a little socializing, and service to the community. The more you participate, the more you, your kids and the club benefit.


Q:  What’s the best way to get involved in the club?


A:  This really depends on what interests you and your children. The easiest way is to host a playgroup, sign up to help out on a service project, volunteer to serve as a committee chairperson or run for the Executive Board. Also, we are always looking for new ideas so we would love to hear them !


Q:  What if I know another MOM who may want to join?  


A:  Bring her to the monthly meetings as a guest and/or pass her name along to the Membership VP either by phone or e-mail. Our club is always looking to add new members. 


Q: Are children welcome at all the activities? 



Q: When my children enter school, Do I have to leave the group? 

A:  NO! You will still need the support once your children enter school.  Members are welcome to stay for as long as they like.




Please be advised that neither the International MOMS Club® nor the MOMS Club® of Frazer Township endorse any of the advertisers.



MOMS Club® of

Frazer Township, PA 

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